In April, we caught up with Rob Hope-Ede – chef at Onemata in Auckland.



The Coastal Lamb rump has been one of Onemata’s best sellers since the restaurant opened in 2020. Rob puts this down to the consistency in both size and flavour, the perfect fat cap on the rump – which is just enough to baste the meat as it cooks, but never so much that the rump comes across as fatty.


 Onemata’s menu



Rob loves the rump seasoned perfectly and matched with Onemata’s mint and caper salsa verde – which allows the flavour of the meat to shine as the acidity of the salsa verde opens up the taste buds with every bite.


Rob’s passion for food is inspiring, and positive feedback from restaurant guests provides the ultimate job satisfaction, alongside the camaraderie in the kitchen, which feels like a second family.